
In this page, we will endeavour to bring you new and interesting topics that we think may be of interest to you. We hope you enjoy this page…


1) Here’s How to Make Turkish Delight at Home….

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The next day, remove the candy from the pan using the foil as handles. Dust a clean and nonporous work station with powdered sugar and flip the candy onto it. Carefully peel off the foil from the back and dust the top with more sugar. Use an oiled and sharp chef’s knife to cut the Turkish delight into small squares. Dust each side of the square with powdered sugar to prevent stickiness.

2 )   We, at Sultan Delights, engage with our customers, via many markets, mainly St. George’s in Belfast. We convey to our audience, where Turkish Delight fits into the Turkish ethos and tradition. Unlike people in the west, who just ‘gobble’ the sweet as and when we fancy, Turkish people treat it with the reverence it deserves, which can be best demonstrated in the video below, we hope you enjoy….

3 )   In other news, unfortunately we have had to drop our Coffee Turkish Delight, due to lack of popularity. We have discovered that the Coffee variety, was a ‘Marmite’ thing, you loved it or hated it. Alas not enough customers loved it to keep in on our shelves.