If you are interested in finding out about Sultan Delights you’re on the right page.
Turkish Delight, has always been a favourite of my brother, but alas I was never keen. It was the squishiness of it that put me off, although the flavour was ok. It wasn’t until I was 27 years old, that I learned about what Real Turkish Delight should taste like, and then I instantly loved it. The story of which follows…….
1) In 2005, after a trip home to Istanbul, a work college of mine, Mehmet brought Pistachio Turkish Delight into work, and shared them around to the staff. He was soon surrounded by people from other departments, who were loving the treat, and even wondered what it was, as we had never experienced Real Turkish Delight in the UK.
2) In 2009 after being made redundant, I hatched my plan to sell Real Turkish Delight online. We carried out market research, which proved super successful as we were asked to sell the product!